The 绿洲 logo, the ‘circle of inclusion’, symbolises our inclusive ethos. 它要求我们做得更好,做得更多,以打破我们社会中普遍存在的种族偏见和体制不平等的循环. 我们知道,我们在拆除产生和维持歧视的系统方面发挥着重要作用,无论这些系统存在于绿洲和社会的任何地方.
全球十大赌钱排行app由成千上万的学生组成的社区变革运动和组织, 居民, 社区成员, 工作人员, 志愿者和活动家, and our ethos is a commitment to achieving radical inclusion, 正义, 和股票. 作为一个运动, 大老板, 学校家庭, and provider of 社区 and 住房 services, 我们知道,我们必须共同发出我们的声音,积极地为一个更加公正和包容的世界大声疾呼.
我们是谁,我们做什么, we seek to be inclusive of all – people of all faiths (and none), 残疾的人, class, 经济手段, 种族, 性别或性取向. This is rooted in a deep understanding of our Christian story, 上帝就是爱, 不歧视, but views all of us as different but equal, 具有丰富的多样性, 同样的值.
Our vison and our responsibility is therefore not simply to be non-racist, but to become actively and visibly anti-racist. We must work against the multidimensional in正义s of racism, 提倡平等的价值观, 股本, 以及社会公正, 挑战压迫的力量, provide equitable opportunities for all people on an individual and systemic level, 确保任何被边缘化的群体都有代表,能够通过我们所做的一切影响决策. We have to ensure that every 绿洲 space – every school, 首页, 社区 programme or global campaign – is safe for all, is built on a culture of inclusion and creates room for 开放 and honest conversation, where we 听 to one another and where we hear all voices.
We recognise that words are not enough on their own and actions speak louder than words. We acknowledge where we need to make changes – the need to 听 to, hear and value all voices within our movement; the need to remove any overt and subtle systems that reduce opportunity or act as barriers to achievement, 领导, or service; and the need to ensure we are an organisation and movement that is continually learning how to become ever more inclusive. We therefore commit to take action in the following areas and through our 打破循环运动 (这不是一个详尽的清单,只是代表了我们正在努力成为一个反种族主义组织的领域):
We will learn together about identity, inclusion, bias, racism and becoming anti-oppressive. 特别是,我们将教育和装备我们运动中的人们,让他们理解我们的核心故事——包容和正义,并通过将这个故事付诸实践来改变文化. We will embed development opportunities that promote understanding of identity, 文化能力, 建设性的对话, and anti-oppressive实践 based around our in-depth and unique character formation approach, 绿洲生活习惯. 我们将鼓励所有参与绿洲运动的人对自己的行为和学习承担个人责任, as well as committing to make change together.
We will build systems to ensure that all voices are 听ed to and heard, 我们可以互相尊重, 开放, 和真诚的对话. 特别是,我们将积极鼓励在整个教育过程中发展综合和创造性的员工网络, 社区, 住房, and 正义 teams; we are developing a 社区 movement forum made up of volunteers, 父母, 居民, and 社区成员 which will meet regularly with our Boards and senior 工作人员 team; and we will develop rich opportunities for youth voice and activism. 我们将制定方法,增加各级特别是决策空间的多样性和代表性. We will actively create opportunities for overlapping forms of inclusion (e.g., anti-racism, anti-homophobia, gender equality) to be better understood and integrated.
我们将共同学习,并反思我们在其中工作和与之共事的社区的背景, ensuring that we become reflective of the people and communities that we serve. We also recognise the critical importance of diversity, and we will look to go further than representation, ensuring that everyone has opportunity to participate and lead in any context. 多样性 and celebrating difference will be a core element of our understanding and work. We will collect data about the makeup of our communities, the groups that we serve and our 工作人员, to understand whether we are 代表 and if not, 为什么不. We have established a One 绿洲 平等, 多样性, and 包容 Forum to shape our overall approach and to hold us accountable. 我们还在绿洲的不同部门建立了一系列工作组,以确保我们采取行动. As part of our broad commitment to anti-racism, we will continue to build our innovative Break the Cycle network, which partners with thousands of teachers, 学校, 以及英国各地的青年工作者,因为我们寻求在影响整个教育和青年部门方面发挥我们的作用,以发展包容和反种族主义的做法.
我们将力求善用语言, recognising that it can be divisive and offensive when used without thought and care. Because of our ethos that prioritises identity and belonging, we will always look to engage with people as people, rather than labelling or categorising. 我们将尽一切努力用清晰和积极的语言来描述我们希望在种族正义方面看到的变化. We will also review our publications, 讲故事, 筹款和竞选活动,以确保我们不会刻板印象或剥夺人们的尊严和能动性.
我们将审查并在必要时改变我们的内部做法和程序,以确保我们的一致性, 公平, and 开放 at all stages of people’s employment with us. In particular we will consider where and how we advertise jobs, 我们如何招聘职位, and how we create opportunity for progression and pathways to 领导. 我们正在努力开发英国首个包容性初始教师培训计划,以积极地在绿洲学院的教育部门和各级领导中培养更多样化的劳动力.
作为学校和技能提供者, 我们认识到我们对所服务的儿童和年轻人负有重要责任. 我们会继续积极建立学校经验和课程/支援计划,以支持所有儿童和青少年成为积极和包容的良好品格的人. 我们还将审查并在必要时改变我们的课程和技能项目,以确保它们融入绿洲精神并保持平衡, 代表, 诚实和反思. 除了, 我们将确保在我们的课程/项目中,我们不会创造或维持一种源于殖民主义或压迫制度的文化. We will build on our unique and inclusive character education programme, 绿洲生活习惯, and the innovative and nationally recognised anti-racist curriculum design, 实现, 以及通过绿洲 Academy MediaCityUK和我们的学院家族进行的培训.
We will review our policy and procedures, ensuring that they always operate through a culture of inclusion, 股本, anti-oppressive实践, 和反种族主义, 拆除任何公开设施, inadvertent or subtle systems that create or sustain discrimination.
按年计算, 我们将审查和衡量我们在整个运动中对这些承诺的进展-我们的教育, 住房, 正义, 还有社区工作. 我们将通过我们在整个运动中建立的学习和问责结构(包括员工网络)来做到这一点, 打破循环小组, 我们的社区运动论坛, working groups in various parts of the 绿洲 family, and our culture forum – in order that we act, 听, 一起学习.
我们认识到这项工作对于我们实现我们的使命和愿景至关重要,因为我们建立了一个包括每个人的社区, 做出了独特的贡献, and can reach their God-given potential. We still have work to do, but we commit ourselves again to this vital task.